About Me

Wiki Article

Because I didn't use Google as much back then, I started using Yahoo to search for classic movies around 1998 and 1999. This was how I came across Elizabeth's Reel Classics. A fan site that only talks about old films, it's how this site came to my attention. It was the only website available at that time. I quickly made it my favorite. Elizabeth's website was full of great information about films and stars. I hoped that one day I could make my own classic website. In the end, I went to college to learn HTML and web design. Some of the things I did for school were an interactive CD-ROM with questions about old movies and a website about my old movie autographs.

Critics' picks

Alone in the Dark
Archived Sci-Fi Horror Films
Interplanetary Film Zone
Bad Movies Talent
Enjoying the Best of Retro Films
Cult Classic Movies Fans Association

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